Qi can be defined in a number of ways.
Most traditions see Qi as a fundamental part of everything in the universe. That it is through Qi and its many expressions that humans, the earth and the universe are all connected.
In traditional Chinese medicine Qi is defined as the action or function of a particular organ or channel in the body i.e., the Qi of the heart is strong or weak.
In many martial arts, Qi is understood as a meeting point of mental and physical effort.
“While there is no precise Western definition of Qi energy, it is often referred to as bio electricity. It has been well established in the West that the electrical activity in the human body produces magnetic fields, which are sometimes referred to as Bio electromagnetic (BioEM) energy. Increasing evidence suggests that the Eastern concept of Qi and the Western concept of BioEM energy may be one and the same.” (Waechter, 2004)
Qi Gong practitioners will experience Qi as a real physical phenomena, something you can literally grasp and feel .